Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Giraffe Facts

There are nine recognized subspecies of giraffe. They are: the Nigerian giraffe, the Nubian giraffe,Baringo giraffe,  Masai giraffe, Reticulated giraffe ,Thornicroft's giraffe,Kordofan giraffe, Angolan giraffe, and the Southern giraffe. They live in scattered geographic regions in Africa, and have differing color patterns.  
  1. A giraffe is able to clean its ears with its own tongue.
  2. Giraffes live for 10-15 years in the wild, but average 25 years at zoos.
  3. Other animals on the savanna use giraffes as watchtowers or observation posts for predators.
  4. It's difficult to catch a giraffe while its sleeping, simply because he gets so little of it! Ever vigilant for predators, giraffes just sleep for a few minutes at a time, and usually only get about 30 minutes total in a single day.
  5. The tallest mammal in the world is the giraffe.
  6. In the savannah region south of the Sahara in Africa, the giraffe feeds primarily on acacia leaves.
  7. Giraffes can eat up to 77 pounds (35 kilograms) of food every day. They do not eat meat, but prefer the leaves and tender shoots of trees and shrubs. Their favorite meal, the leaves and twigs of the thorny acacia tree, have all the nutrients a growing giraffe needs, except for calcium and salt. The leaves also contain a lot of water, making water holes much less of a necessity. With that kind of motivation, it's no wonder they like the acacia so much!
  8. The average giraffe's blood pressure is two or three times that of a healthy man.
                                                                                                                 Dharini Kathirvelu

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