Tuesday, 29 January 2013



                       STRANGE facts                                      

A headless cockroach can survive for a couple of weeks. Its life would finally end due to starvation! 

No dentist for this creature! Crocodiles, through their life grow new teeth that replace the old set! 

A crocodile can never stick its tongue out of its mouth. 

Gaggle is a group of geese waddling on the ground. And the same group up in the air would be renamed skein. 

On an average, a hedgehog's heart beats 300 times, per minute. 

A standing 4-foot child can fit into the open of a hippopotamus. 

A coin is heavier than a hummingbird! 

It would take just one night for a mole to dig a tunnel measuring 300 feet in length. 

The longest slumber ever! A snail can sleep for three years, at a stretch. 

Recycling! A housefly regurgitates the food it eats and then eats it again! 

Here is some news for the left-handed people – they are not the only ones, as all polar bears are left-handed. 

An ostrich’s brain is smaller than its eye. 

The taste buds of a butterfly are in its feet. 

Place a black light over a cat’s urine and watch it glow! 

Dogs and cats are either right or left-pawed! 

While human fingerprints are a means of their identification; the nose prints are a means of identifying dogs. 

A chicken can fly for more than 13 seconds at a stretch. 

The butterfly was originally known as the ‘flutterby’. 

The donkey’s eye placement helps it see all its four feet at a time. 

All the termites of the world outweigh the human beings of the world. The ratio is 10:1! 

The chow is the only dog that does not have a pink tongue.


                                   ENDANGERED FACTS

The saddest fact is that human activities are bringing an ever-increasing decline in the number of animal species. While numerable species have gone into extinction and belong to the museums of the world, there are still many that are endangered as of today. They are slowly moving towards being extinct. There are animal activists around the world, who are making every attempt to save these species. 

Here are some interesting facts about endangered animals…
Presently there are 38 known species of mammals that are extinct. However, of them there are some that are kept in captivity with scientists trying to save them from going extinct. 

With global warming becoming a major issue, the fact is the existing 28,270 animal species of mammals are threatened by the harms done to the planet.

6,524 vertebrate-species were listed as threatened, in the year 2006. In the same year – 2006 – 2,101 invertebrate-species were listed to be threatened. 

In 2006, 253 fish-species were listed as critically endangered. 

In 2006, 442 amphibian-species were listed as critically endangered. 

81 species of animals are considered extinct or critically endangered, as well as endangered or vulnerable. 

The number of animal listed in the U.S.A., is 935. 

There are over 1,000 animal species that are endangered at varied levels, across the world. 

The endangered animal species are classified into the following for categories: 

The vulnerable species : 
They are not a threatened species, but are at risk because of their natural declining numbers. 

The threatened species : 
This is that category of species that are adequate in numbers, but are facing high-risk in their natural surroundings that can lead to the probability of extinction. Examples of such species are eastern indigo snake and the red kangaroo. 

The endangered species : 
This category includes species that are in the immediate probability of becoming extinct. These species require protection to exist. Examples of such species are the Siberian tiger, the southern sea otter, the snow leopard, etc. 

                              The extinct species : 

This category of animal-species includes those that are not in existence at all. Examples include the passenger pigeon, dodo, Stegosaurus, etc
Here are some extinct animal facts, followed by an exhaustive list of animals that have gone into extinction over the eras of earth’s evolution… 

The Tyrannosaurus Rex went extinct 65 million years ago. It was one of the largest animals. It measured up to 43.3 feet in length and 16.6 feet in height. It weighed approximately 7 tons.

The Quagga, which was half-zebra-half-horse animal species went into extinction in the year 1883. This is was one of the most famous animals of Africa. This animal had the zebra stripes only on the front part of the body, which would fade and become wider in the middle of the body, and the hindquarter was brown (no stripes). It was the cruel animal activities that led this animal to extinction. It was on 12th August 12, 1883, that the last of the Quaggas died at the Artis Magistra Zoo (Amsterdam).

The Tasmanian Tiger went into extinct in the year 1936. This animal is regarded to be the largest carnivorous marsupial in modern day and age. It was a native wildlife animal of Australia and New Guinea. Man and his evil ways led this animal to extinction.

Steller's Sea Cow was also known as the defenseless beast. It went into extinction in 1768. This creature’s natural habitat was on the Asiatic coast of the Bering Sea. It got its name because it was discovered by a naturalist, Georg Stellar, in 1741. He was traveling with Vitus Bering, a renowned explorer. The animal was large weighing upto three tons. Though it looked almost like a seal, it had two forelimbs that were stout, as well as tail that was whale-like.

Irish Deer is the largest deer to have ever existed. It went into extinction approximately 7,700 years ago. It was a native animal of Eurasia, grazing the land stretching from Ireland to east of Lake Baikal. It was large sized, with extra large antlers measuring upto 3.65 meters (12 feet from tip-to-tip). The antlers weighed about 90 pounds.

The Caspian Tiger was the third largest tiger species. The last of this tiger was seen in 1970, after which it has been declared amongst the extinct animal species. This tiger was found on the lands of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Aurochs was a large-sized cattle-species. It is recorded to have gone into extinction in 1627. It is said that this cattle evolved from India, migrating to the Middle-East, reaching Europe.

Here is an exhaustive list of other extinct animal species :
Antillean cave rat
Arabian gazelle
Barbados raccoon
Barbados rice rat
Basalt plains mouse
Bavarian pine vole
Big-eared hopping mouse
Blue buck
Canary mouse
Cayman Brac hutia
Cayman Brac nesophont
Cayman hutia
Central hare-wallaby
Central rock rat
Corsican shrew
Cuban spider monkey
Curio's giant rat
Dark flying fox
Desert rat-kangaroo
Dusky flying fox
Falkland Islands dog
Giant deer mouse
Goliath white-toothed shrew
Atlantic gray whale
Guam flying fox
Gull Island vole
Hairy-eared dwarf lemur
Imposter hutia
Jamaican monkey
Jamaican pallid flower bat
Large Corsican field vole
Large funnel-eared bat
Large ghost faced bat
Large Palau flying fox
Large sloth lemur
Large-eared tenrec
Long-tailed hopping mouse
Madagascan pygmy hippopotamus; common Malagasy hippo
Malagasy dwarf hippopotamus
Marcano's solenodon
Marianas flying fox
Negros naked-backed fruit bat
New Guinea big-eared bat
Omilteme cottontail
Pemberton's deer mouse
Przewalski's horse
Queen of Sheba's gazelle
Red gazelle
Sardinian pika
Saudi gazelle
Schaumburg’s deer
Sea mink
Short-horned water buffalo
Southeastern pocket gopher
Standing's hippo
Sturdee's Bonin pipistrelle
Swan Island hutia
Tanzania woolly bat
Tasmanian bettong
Vietnam warty pig
West Indian porcupine
Western palm squirrel 
White-footed rabbit-rat.            by MR.xxx & MR.yyy IX 'B'

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